I am a more recent recruit to the Parish Council, co-opted originally (in 2020) and then formally elected in May 2023. I joined the parish council because I am keen to support the local community and thought that I could do this best by being a member of the Parish Council. I have been actively involved in council matters – I helped with the Coronation Afternoon Tea event at the Village Hall (and also cooked the Coronation Cake) and with the Jubilee Celebrations in 2022. I have been actively involved with the Social Club being a member of the new committee that took over from the previous committee. During my time it has regenerated and is now very successful with a stable number of members and a well supported Friday Family Night. I started a group to try and keep Farnham Road clear of flood water (very difficult with the recent exceptional rain) by clearing the grips into the ditch and help speed up the draining of the road. I am also joint Neighbourheed Watch Officer with Graham Sessions.

01279 776004
Christopher Smith
Vice-Chair of the Parish Council. Councillor with a responsiblty for Information Technology