Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 22nd April 2024
at 8pm, Farnham Village Hall
Present: Members: *Mr I Delvallé (Chair)
Mrs P Humphreys
*Mrs B Jarman
*Mr R Navara
Mr G Sessions
*Mr C Smith * Councillors Present
*Mrs N Wainwright
Clerk: Mr P Jarman
- Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest.
Apologies were received from Cllr Gooding. Cllr Laughlin, Mrs Humphreys and Mr Sessions were all absent due to recent hospitalisation. There was a Declaration of Interest from Mrs Jarman for Item 6d.
- Public Participation Session with respect to items on the agenda and other matters that are of mutual interest. The maximum time for this session is 15 minutes. The Council will first hear from councillors with prejudicial (if any) interests followed by representations or questions from members of the public. None present.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 19th January 2024 were discussed. Mr Navara proposed they be approved as accurate. This was seconded by Mr Smith and AGREED.
- Matters to Report.
- Report by the Clerk.
- Village Plan – The Clerk reported that the current plan ends in 2024. The council needs to discuss the situation and to decide on the formation of the next committee should there be one. It was decided that this be placed on the July agenda.
- Past Events from Parish Council minutes. 1894 – 2024. The editor of the magazine has asked me to serialise the past minutes for the magazine. The Clerk will circulate the complete list when he has finished it but gave a word of warning that ‘memories may vary’ and that sometimes there are discrepancies in what is said and what is written down!
- Night Flights. The Clerk informed members that he had responded to the consultation.
- The Clerk also informed members that he had applied for a grant of £9,500 at the suggestion of the Chair, to the PFCC. Nothing heard yet.
- Clerk asked to put article in magazine at last meeting re joining the parish council. He ran out of time. It was also suggested that we discuss issue at this meeting. The Clerk suggested that this is postponed to July. Report by Clerk on BSN meeting with East Herts
- Report by Clerk on BSN Meeting with East Herts DC Planning Group. No meeting was held.
- Matters to report from any other Councillor if appropriate (to include as and when necessary, parish council areas of responsibility such as the Parish Paths, Highways, War Memorial, Emergency Plan and any other issues).
Mr Navara reported that he had met with the Footpaths Officer from Essex who is brought with him marker posts and steps for the footpath in Chatter End next to the Rivers-Latham property. The Officer will carry out a survey to check to hidden utility services.
- Planning
INV/ 24/0061/B Alleged planning breach. Wall at front of property pulled down in conservation area. [Awaiting Outcome]. No further information.
UTT/23/3219/HHF Permission for demolition of existing conservatory, replaced with part
two story, part
one story rear extension and first floor extension over existing kitchen for The Old Rectory, Farnham Road. [Agreed].
UTT/24/0278/LB Application for retention of opening in downstairs room & proposed
removal of Partition and internal alterations at 58 Hazel End Lane.
UTT/24/0277/SCO Scoping application by Endurance Energy (Wickham Hall) to look at the
feasibility of applying for a Solar Energy for a solar energy farm along
with battery and storage facilities. The land indicates a triangular shape
between Bloodhounds Wood and Bailey Hills. Update at meeting. [Permission to submit a formal application].
There has been some concern expressed over the latter application locally especially at Walnut Tree corner and Walnut Tree Lane. Although most households have been circulated with a leaflet from Endurance Energy no further action at present. Ian and I have agreed to alert the Planning Advisory Group so that they can look at the situation. The application appears to be on green belt but they may attempt to make a case to release the green belt. Also, some precedence in that they have been given approval for a larger area nearby.
- End of Financial Year Reconciled Balances (on page 2 of agenda). Agrees with bank statement.
- Financial Governance. To consider the questions raised in the external audit paper (previously circulated) and to approve. After some discussion, Mr Navara proposed that the Governance Statement be
- Asset Register. For information and comments. It was pointed out that there should only be two telephone kiosks rather than three. Subject to this change, Mrs Jarman proposed that the Asset Register be APPROVED. This was seconded by Mr Smith.
- Payments made before meeting. – Mr P Jarman (£942.50) Clerk’s Salary
– Mr P Jarman (£350) Clerk’s Expenses
– H.M.R.C. (£628) PAYE/Nics
These payments should have been approved at the last meeting to comply with the tax year payments schedule. The Chair gave the Clerk permission to make the payments.
– Defibrillator Maintenance. (£550) Replacement pads,
batteries etc
Mr Smith proposed the payments be AGREED. This was seconded by Mrs Wainwright.
- Payments to be approved: – TBS Hygiene. (£43.20) Waste Bin Collection (April).
– E.A.L.C. (£137.93) Membership, including NALC.
– Zurich (£673.79) Renewal of insurance cover.
Mr Navara proposed approval of the cheques which was seconded by Mr Smith & AGREED.
Summary of Bank Accounts
Current and Deposit Account
Bank Reconciliation | |||
788520 | 7177004 | Total | |
Balance per cash book | 1.381.87 | 11,561.54 | 12,943.41 |
Add: | |||
Unpresented cheques | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Deduct: | |||
Receipts not deposited | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Balance per Bank Statement | 1,381.87 | 11,561.54 | 12,943.41 |
Reconciled 31st March 2024 |
Defibrillator Account
Bank Reconciliation | ||
Account 219534 | Total | |
Balance per cash book | 18,945.72 | 18,945.72 |
Add: | ||
Unpresented cheques | 0 | 0 |
Deduct: | ||
Receipts not deposited | 0 | 0 |
Balance per Bank Statement | 18,945.72 | 18,945.72 |
Reconciled 31st March 2024 |
(£18,400.00 CCTV; £545.72 Defib)
- Annual Meeting of the Parish.
The Clerk began the discussion by saying that he thought the meeting had a pleasant atmosphere and that numbers attending was much the same as last year. It was also noted that the numbers are boosted somewhat as readers of reports added to the attendance figures. It was suggested that next year we consider having the bar open in future.
- CCTV in Farnham.
The Clerk reported that progress has been more noticeable in the last month.
- He has now been contacted by Chelmsford Diocese who are very supportive and see benefits for the school. They have agreed principle of poles and electrical connections on school site subject to Head and Governors agreement. Legal costs to be covered by parish council if any.
- The company we are dealing with have now produced a possible lease for all sites. Agreed by Diocese subject to Property Services confirmation. Charles Humphreys has a copy to consider for Hazel End and Levels Green.
- Have negotiated a 50% on any full planning applications that may be necessary.
- Uttlesford have agreed to my interpretation of the Pre-App and will now refund the £900 fee; subsequent fees for Pre-Apps if necessary, will be waived.
- As soon as an approval is received from any site, work will start on that site within a few days.
- Farnham Village Management Committee.
Mr Delvallé/Mrs Wainwright informed councillors that there was nothing to report. However, following discussion and questions they mentioned that in view of the alarming report from the Village Hall Committee at the Annual Meeting, there are discussions as to possibility of the Social Club and Village Hall Management Company joining together which would be beneficial and save on costs.
- Farnham Social Club.
Mr Smith said that the recent Trivia Quiz was very successful and after covering costs there will be a donation of £350 each to the Village Hall and The Grove Community Trust.
- Correspondence.
- Any Other Business that does not require a decision.
There was no other business.
- Date of next meetings:
- Monday 13th May 2024 (Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
Signature: ………………………………… Date: ……………………..
Meeting ended 8.40pm